Duleep Singh Artefacts

Hawk Bell, c.1858
Reference Code: 8AA8251M
The Maharajah’s hawk bell from the time of his stay at Mulgrave Castle

Shoe Brushes of Prince Frederick Duleep Singh
Reference Code: 8AA8251M
Pair of military shoe brushed initialled F.D.S., used by Prince Frederick Duleep Singh when he was in the army, c.1900
Peter Bance Collection

Maharajah Duleep Singh's evening jacket
Reference Code: 8A1M
Semi-European style Velvet and gold embroidered jacket beloning to the Maharajah when he first came to England, c.1855
Peter Bance Collection

Personal belongings of Princess Sophia
Reference Code: 8AA8251M
Princess Sophia Duleep Singh’s hair pin, nail clippers, servants crested button, mirror, dog tag, cigarette lighter and incense holders

Silver Crested Sandwich Box
Reference Code: 8AA8251M
Silver hallmarked box belonging to Prince Frederick Duleepsingh, engraved ‘Elveden Hall, Thetford’ with family crest engraved on lid. With leather carry case with belt buckle, c.1880
Peter Bance Collection

Sari of Princess Bamba Duleep Singh
Reference Code: 81M
Gold threaded and lilac silk sari of Princess Bamba, c.1930

Maharajah Duleep Singh's Purdey shotgun
Reference Code: 8AA8251M
The Maharajah’s personalised double barrell shotgun, made to order by Purdey & Son in 1871

Tiles from the Elevden Hall Aviary, c.1860
Reference Code: 8AA8251M
Pair of handpainted tiles from the Aviary that Maharajah Duleep Singh built to house his exoctic birds from around the world at Elveden Hall. the Aviary was demolished by Lord Iveagh in the 1990s.
Peter Bance Collection

Maharajah Duleep Singh's brush handle
Reference Code: 8AA8251M
Silver embossed brush handle with the Maharajah Duleep Singh’s monogram in the centre, c.1870

Brass Dog Tag
Reference Code: 8AA8251M
A Brass dog tag belonging to Princess Sophia Duleep Singh’s dogs, engraved ‘S. Duleep Singh, Hampton Court‘, c.1920
Peter Bance Collection

Royal Worcester Plate
Reference Code: 8AA8251M
A handpainted dessert plate with the Maharajah’s mongram in gilt to the centre, made by Royal Worcester, marked Regent Stereet, London, c.1865
Peter Bance Collection

Silver Crested Sandwich Box
Reference Code: 8AA8251M
Silver hallmarked box belonging to Prince Frederick Duleepsingh, engraved ‘Elveden Hall, Thetford’ with family crest engraved on lid. With leather carry case with belt buckle, c.1880
Peter Bance Collection

Record of the Maharajah's Death
Reference Code: 8AA8251M
Peter Bance Collection