Other Places

Prince Frederick memorial at Eton
Eton College
Memorial and gardens built to the memory of Prince Frederick Duleep Singh at Eton who studied here between 1881 and 1883
Open to the public

Westmeston Parish Church
Westmeston, Sussex
The church has a large memorial tablet to J.S.A.Torry, husband of Princess Pauline Duleep Singh who died at the Battle of Loos during WWI
Open to the public

Princesses Brighton Home
5 Sussex Square, Brighton, Sussex
Princess Sophia and Prince Edward Duleep Singh stayed here under the care of the Oliphants when their parents died and the elders siblings were at University
Private property

Mulgrave Castle
Sandsend, Whitby, Yorkshire YO21 3RJ
The Maharajah rented Mulgrave Castle from the Earl of Mulgrave in 1858 as a more permanent resident. It is here he kept an elephant and would be seen riding on the coast.
Please check prior for visiting times

Grave of Prince Victor Duleep Singh
Old Cemetery, Monte Carlo, Monaco
The Grave of Prince Victor Duleep SIngh and his wife Lady Anne, looking over the coast of Monte Carlo.

Hatherop Castle
Hatherop, Cirencetser, GL7 3NB
The Maharajah lived here before he moved to Elveden in 1864. It is now a private school.
Not open to the public